Service User Information

At Oasis Communities we take service user involvement and rights very seriously.  We aim to conduct service user surveys with every client whilst in treatment and upon exit of treatment.  We use this feedback to continually improve what we offer.  In addition our service user charter promises the following rights:-

  • Receive the treatment which the Centre has undertaken to provide. This will be a supportive, professional and consistent service.
  • Respect at all times.
  • Access information held about you by the organisation. If you would like to see the records we keep, please speak to a member of staff who will arrange an appointment for you to view them. You will not be allowed to take the file off the premises but you are welcome to have a copy of any of the documents that relate to you if you wish, for a small fee to cover the cost.
  • Expect that this information be treated with confidentiality, within the limits of the confidentiality policy. A copy of this is at the back of this booklet.
  • The maximum amount of choice possible in relation to the service provided, subject to treatment contract
  • A safe and secure environment and to be free from harassment, to be treated fairly and equally and for social, emotional, religious and cultural difference to be respected.
  • Make compliments, comments or complaints. Oasis Communites aims to provide its services efficiently and to a high standard. Where we are doing so we would like to hear about it, similarly if you feel that we have not provided you with the level of service you expected you could comment or make a complaint. The complaints procedure is printed at the end of this booklet.
  • Make suggestions as to how the service can be improved. We aim to ensure that the service is truly accountable to clients, through the provision of information about the services provided, consultation over any proposed changes to the service, and the opportunity to complain or comment about those services. There is a Communty Meeting held each week specifically to encourage client suggestions as to how we can improve our service. In addition, you will be asked to complete an exit survey to help inform future developments. You are invited to use an advocate of your choice to speak on your behalf. A service user representative is available to help you. Ask a member of staff to tell you who this is and how to get hold of them.
  • Have your views listened to


Treatment Centre Service User Guides



Family and Carers

We recognise that without the support of family and friends many will never gain recovery. We also recognise that this can be very hard on those family members and friends. We offer a support and advice group each family day as well as individual family meetings where requested.  After four weeks of treatment, clients are eligible for visits which take place on Sundays. Clients are able to go out with your family, within the city limits.