Oasis Runcorn, Residential Rehab

Oasis Runcorn is quite unique in offering two treatment programmes allowing for tailored treatment and client choice. A 12 step programme and Oasis Strengths programme are both delivered within the therapeutic environment.

Oasis Runcorn provides primary and secondary treatment which consists of community process, process groups, therapeutic activities, one to one counselling, house meetings, workshops, groups and worksheets.

Family support and counselling can be delivered if agreed by the client as part of their care plan. Oasis Recovery recognises the importance of family, friends and support networks in recovery.

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We recognise that without the support of family and friends many will never gain recovery. We recognise that this can be very hard on those family members and friends. Family therapy and support are offered on an individual and group basis. Families can visit on Sundays which is arranged with the counselling team.

Aftercare and Recovery Housing are for many an important aspect of recovery. Oasis Recovery provides aftercare and access to recovery housing nationwide

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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    0203 811 7344 
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